Eight billion people live on the planet along with about 20 quintillion, that is, billions upon billions, of other animals. Today we know about two million species, but scientists estimate there to be 8.7 million species, most of which are still undiscovered.
Here, in the southwestern corner of Finland, there are many different types of ecosystems that are habitats for a wide variety of species. Different animal species find food and shelter in different environments. There are also many alien species that have come here from other countries through human activity, such as the white-tailed deer and the raccoon dog.
Can you balance like this?

The forest’s largest animal, the elk (moose), can move long distances between different habitats. In the summer, elk can swim out to smaller islets, while in the winter they usually live in small areas, for example, in the forest, where they eat twigs.
Many animals thrive in the nooks and crannies of the forest. The badger builds its den in the ground, where it hibernates and gives birth to its young in the spring. The badger eats everything from small mammals and worms to blueberries, and searches for these at night up to four kilometres from its den. The common racoon dog also hibernates and likes to use the badger’s den when the badger is already fast asleep for the winter.

Among the forest’s small inhabitants is a shiny black beetle you can see crawling along the path, the woodland dor beetle. Dor beetles work in pairs and dig tunnels, which they fill with dung for their larvae. Many bird species also depend on the forest for both shelter and food. Today there is a depletion of nature, which means that we are losing diversity in nature. Species are dying out, while nature’s ability to adapt to climate change is deteriorating. It is also important for the well-being of humans that nature.maintains a good balance!

Did you know? The tick is Finland’s most dangerous animal. Ticks can bite humans and spread diseases. Ticks can live on any mammal, and they move from one place to another with their host.
You can help the animals! When we make sure that there are suitable habitats for the animals, we contribute to greater diversity. Create a meadow for pollinators, leave old forests in their natural state and preserve open landscapes.